Presentation Night 2014/2015

Dear Northbridge Cricketers,

We are pleased to announce the NCC – 96th Annual Presentation Night. This is easily our most popular social event of the year with great food and drinks.

Costs for attendees is $40 for a single, or $60 if you are bringing your partner. This night of nights includes a canapes, drinks and hopefully a guest speaker.

We are now calling for people to pay prior to the night via the PayPal buttons below. This certainly will not be a night to be missed, with award winners from the season as well as the usual goodies for the significant others in attendance who support our players all through the season.

Northbridge CC - 96th Annual Presentation Night.

Northbridge CC – 96th Annual Presentation Night.

Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

See you then!