Player Payment Confirmation

All players who wish to play for NCC in the 2017/2018 NSCA season must:

1. Complete the Player Registration form (if you have not done so already),

2. Pay Registration Fees

3. Like Northbridge Cricket Club on Facebook.

4. Ensure you have read the NCC Player Charter

5. Complete the Player Payment Confirmation below.

Individual Player Terms of Registration

In order to play in the NSCA competition, each player is expected to read and agree to the terms of registration outlined below.  These conditions are to ensure that competition is fair and suitably run.

  • I have provided my up to date personal contact details (name, address, phone, DOB, email) to my club.
  • I agree to follow the NSCA rules, including the Code of Conduct, and follow the MCC Spirit of Cricket. (NSCA Rule 27)
  • I am not a defaulter from any other cricket club. (NSCA Rule 5)
  • I have given my club all relevant details about my cricket playing history to ensure that I am graded correctly. (NSCA Rule 4)
  • I agree that the NSCA is absolved from all liability however arising from injury or damage however caused arising out of participation in any NSCA Activity.
  • I declare that I am & must continue to be medically and physically fit & able to participate in any NSCA activity.
  • I acknowledge that for breaches of the NSCA Code of Conduct, that the NSCA may publicly list the name, club and offence of the player(s) concerned and the penalty imposed.
  • I agree to the NSCA Privacy Policy
  • If I am under 18, then my legal guardian agrees to these conditions on my behalf.


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