History: Honorary Secretary

The Secretary is the chief administration officer of the Northbridge Cricket Club. This person provides the coordinating link between members, the management committee and the NSCA. From entering player registrations into the MyCricket system, chasing up captains for selections, finding additional players when teams are short, the secretary is the heart and soul of the club.


Northbridge CC Honorary Secretary
Vice President Years
David Sheekey 1974 – 1980
Charlie Clark 1980 – 1981
Terry Moore 1981 – 1982
David Sheekey 1982 – 1990
John Leslie 1990 – 1991
David Sheekey 1991 – 2001
John Barton 2001 – 2002
Steve Keating 2002 – 2003
Jon Hanna 2003 – 2004
Mitch Whyman 2004 – 2007
Mark Naglost 2007 – 2009
Mitch Nicholls 2010 – 2014
Chris Olver 2014 –